Accounting entity 會計(jì)主體
Accounting equation 會計(jì)平衡式
Accounting framework 會計(jì)框架
Accounting period concept 會計(jì)期間概念
Accounts 賬戶
Accounts payable 應(yīng)付賬款
Accounts receivable 應(yīng)收賬款
Accrual basis for accounting 權(quán)責(zé)發(fā)生制
Accrual concept 應(yīng)計(jì)概念
Accumulated depreciation 累計(jì)折舊
Acid test ratio 速動比率
Activity ratios 效率比率
Activity-based costs systems 作業(yè)成本制度
Allowance for bad debts 壞賬準(zhǔn)備
Allowance for doubtful accounts 不良壞賬準(zhǔn)備
Amortization of bond discount 債券折價攤銷
中國會計(jì)科目的中英文對照 一、資產(chǎn)類 Assets 流動資產(chǎn) Current assets 貨幣資金 Cash and cash equivalents 現(xiàn)金 Cash 銀行存款 Cash in bank 其他貨幣資金 Other cash and cash equivalents 外埠存款 Other city Cash in bank 銀行本票 Cashiers cheque 銀行匯票 Bank draft 信用卡 Credit card 信用證保證金 L/C Guarantee deposits 存出投資款 Refundable deposits 短期投資 Short-term investments 股票 Short-term investments - stock 債券 Short-term investments - corporate bonds 基金 Short-term investments - corporate funds 其他 Short-term investments - other 短期投資跌價準(zhǔn)備 Short-term investments falling price reserves 應(yīng)收款 Account receivable 應(yīng)收票據(jù) Note receivable 銀行承兌匯票 Bank acceptance 商業(yè)承兌匯票 Trade acceptance 應(yīng)收股利 Dividend receivable 應(yīng)收利息 Interest receivable 應(yīng)收賬款 Account receivable 其他應(yīng)收款 Other notes receivable 壞賬準(zhǔn)備 Bad debt reserves 預(yù)付賬款 Advance money 應(yīng)收補(bǔ)貼款 Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable 庫存資產(chǎn) Inventories 物資采購 Supplies purchasing 原材料 Raw materials 包裝物 Wrappage 低值易耗品 Low-value consumption goods 材料成本差異 Materials cost variance 自制半成品 Semi-Finished goods 庫存商品 Finished goods 商品進(jìn)銷差價 Differences between purchasing and selling price 委托加工物資 Work in process - outsourced 委托代銷商品 Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis 受托代銷商品 Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis 存貨跌價準(zhǔn)備 Inventory falling price reserves 分期收款發(fā)出商品 Collect money and send out the goods by stages 待攤費(fèi)用 Deferred and prepaid expenses 長期投資 Long-term investment 長期股權(quán)投資 Long-term investment on stocks 股票投資 Investment on stocks 其他股權(quán)投資 Other investment on stocks 長期債權(quán)投資 Long-term investment on bonds 債券投資 Investment on bonds 其他債權(quán)投資 Other investment on bonds 長期投資減值準(zhǔn)備 Long-term investments depreciation reserves 股權(quán)投資減值準(zhǔn)備 Stock rights investment depreciation reserves 債權(quán)投資減值準(zhǔn)備 Bcreditors rights investment depreciation reserves 委托貸款 Entrust loans 本金 Principal 利息 Interest 減值準(zhǔn)備 Depreciation reserves 固定資產(chǎn) Fixed assets 房屋 Building 建筑物 Structure 機(jī)器設(shè)備 Machinery equipment 運(yùn)輸設(shè)備 Transportation facilities 工具器具 Instruments and implement 累計(jì)折舊 Accumulated depreciation 固定資產(chǎn)減值準(zhǔn)備 Fixed assets depreciation reserves 房屋、建筑物減值準(zhǔn)備 Building/structure depreciation reserves 機(jī)器設(shè)備減值準(zhǔn)備 Machinery equipment depreciation reserves 工程物資 Project goods and material 專用材料 Special-purpose material 專用設(shè)備 Special-purpose equipment 預(yù)付大型設(shè)備款 Prepayments for equipment 為生產(chǎn)準(zhǔn)備的工具及器具 Preparative instruments and implement for fabricate 在建工程 Construction-in-process 安裝工程 Erection works 在安裝設(shè)備 Erecting equipment-in-process 技術(shù)改造工程 Technical innovation project 大修理工程 General overhaul project 在建工程減值準(zhǔn)備 Construction-in-process depreciation reserves 固定資產(chǎn)清理 Liquidation of fixed assets 無形資產(chǎn) Intangible assets 專利權(quán) Patents 非專利技術(shù) Non-Patents 商標(biāo)權(quán) Trademarks, Trade names 著作權(quán) Copyrights 土地使用權(quán) Tenure 商譽(yù) Goodwill 無形資產(chǎn)減值準(zhǔn)備 Intangible Assets depreciation reserves 專利權(quán)減值準(zhǔn)備 Patent rights depreciation reserves 商標(biāo)權(quán)減值準(zhǔn)備 trademark rights depreciation reserves 未確認(rèn)融資費(fèi)用 Unacknowledged financial charges 待處理財產(chǎn)損溢 Wait deal assets loss or income 長期待攤費(fèi)用 Long-term deferred and prepaid expenses 待處理財產(chǎn)損溢 Wait deal assets loss or income 待處理流動資產(chǎn)損溢 Wait deal intangible assets loss or income 待處理固定資產(chǎn)損溢 Wait deal fixed assets loss or income 二、負(fù)債類 Liability 短期負(fù)債 Current liability 短期借款 Short-term borrowing 應(yīng)付票據(jù) Notes payable 銀行承兌匯票 Bank acceptance 商業(yè)承兌匯票 Trade acceptance 應(yīng)付賬款 Account payable 預(yù)收賬款 Deposit received 代銷商品款 Proxy sale goods revenue 應(yīng)付工資 Accrued wages 應(yīng)付福利費(fèi) Accrued welfarism 應(yīng)付股利 Dividends payable 應(yīng)交稅金 Tax payable 應(yīng)交增值稅 value added tax payable 進(jìn)項(xiàng)稅額 Withholdings on VAT 已交稅金 Paying tax 轉(zhuǎn)出未交增值稅 Unpaid VAT changeover 減免稅款 Tax deduction 銷項(xiàng)稅額 Substituted money on VAT 出口退稅 Tax reimbursement for export 進(jìn)項(xiàng)稅額轉(zhuǎn)出 Changeover withnoldings on VAT 出口抵減內(nèi)銷產(chǎn)品應(yīng)納稅額 Export deduct domestic sales goods tax 轉(zhuǎn)出多。
一、資產(chǎn) assets 1、流動資產(chǎn) current assets 111 現(xiàn)金及約當(dāng)現(xiàn)金 cash and cash equivalents 1111 庫存現(xiàn)金 cash on hand 1112 零用金/周轉(zhuǎn)金 petty cash/revolving funds 1113 銀行存款 cash in banks 1116 在途現(xiàn)金 cash in transit 1117 約當(dāng)現(xiàn)金 cash equivalents 1118 其它現(xiàn)金及 約當(dāng)現(xiàn)金 other cash and cash equivalents 112 短期投資 short-term investments 1121 短期投資 -股票 short-term investments - stock 1122 短期投資 -短期票券 short-term investments - short-term notes and bills 1123 短期投資 -政府債券 short-term investments - government bonds 1124 短期投資 -受益憑證 short-term investments - beneficiary certificates 1125 短期投資 -公司債 short-term investments - corporate bonds 1128 短期投資 -其它 short-term investments - other 1129 備抵短期投資跌價損失 allowance for reduction of short-term investment to market 113 應(yīng)收票據(jù) notes receivable 1131 應(yīng)收票據(jù) notes receivable 1132 應(yīng)收票據(jù)貼現(xiàn) discounted notes receivable 1137 應(yīng)收票據(jù) -關(guān)系人 notes receivable - related parties 1138 其它應(yīng)收票據(jù) other notes receivable 1139 備抵呆帳 -應(yīng)收票據(jù) allowance for uncollec- tible accounts- notes receivable 114 應(yīng)收帳款 accounts receivable 1141 應(yīng)收帳款 accounts receivable 1142 應(yīng)收分期帳款 installment accounts receivable 1147 應(yīng)收帳款 -關(guān)系人 accounts receivable - related parties 1149 備抵呆帳 -應(yīng)收帳款 allowance for uncollec- tible accounts - accounts receivable 118 其它應(yīng)收款 other receivables 1181 應(yīng)收出售遠(yuǎn)匯款 forward exchange contract receivable 1182 應(yīng)收遠(yuǎn)匯款 -外幣 forward exchange contract receivable - foreign currencies 1183 買賣遠(yuǎn)匯折價 discount on forward ex-change contract 1184 應(yīng)收收益 earned revenue receivable 1185 應(yīng)收退稅款 income tax refund receivable 1187 其它應(yīng)收款 - 關(guān)系人 other receivables - related parties 1188 其它應(yīng)收款 - 其它 other receivables - other 1189 備抵呆帳 - 其它應(yīng)收款 allowance for uncollec- tible accounts - other receivables 121~122 存貨 inventories 1211 商品存貨 merchandise inventory 1212 寄銷商品 consigned goods 1213 在途商品 goods in transit 1219 備抵存貨跌價損失 allowance for reduction of inventory to market 1221 制成品 finished goods 1222 寄銷制成品 consigned finished goods 1223 副產(chǎn)品 by-products 1224 在制品 work in process 1225 委外加工 work in process - outsourced 1226 原料 raw materials 1227 物料 supplies 1228 在途原物料 materials and supplies in transit 1229 備抵存貨跌價損失 allowance for reduction of inventory to market 125 預(yù)付費(fèi)用 prepaid expenses 1251 預(yù)付薪資 prepaid payroll 1252 預(yù)付租金 prepaid rents 1253 預(yù)付保險費(fèi) prepaid insurance 1254 用品盤存 office supplies 1255 預(yù)付所得稅 prepaid income tax 1258 其它預(yù)付費(fèi)用 other prepaid expenses 126 預(yù)付款項(xiàng) prepayments 1261 預(yù)付貨款 prepayment for purchases 1268 其它預(yù)付款項(xiàng) other prepayments 128~129 其它流動資產(chǎn) other current assets 1281 進(jìn)項(xiàng)稅額 VAT paid ( or input tax) 1282 留抵稅額 excess VAT paid (or overpaid VAT) 1283 暫付款 temporary payments 1284 代付款 payment on behalf of others 1285 員工借支 advances to employees 1286 存出保證金 refundable deposits 1287 受限制存款 certificate of deposit-restricted 1291 遞延所得稅資產(chǎn) deferred income tax assets 1292 遞延兌換損失 deferred foreign exchange losses 1293 業(yè)主(股東)往來 owners^(stockholders^) current account 1294 同業(yè)往來 current account with others 1298 其它流動資產(chǎn)-其它 other current assets - other 2、基金及長期投資 funds and long-term investments 131 基金 funds 1311 償債基金 redemption fund (or sinking fund) 1312 改良及擴(kuò)充基金 fund for improvement and expansion 1313 意外損失準(zhǔn)備基金 contingency fund 1314 退休基金 pension fund 1318 其它基金 other funds 132 長期投資 long-term investments 1321 長期股權(quán)投資 long-term equity investments 1322 長期債券投資 long-term bond investments 1323 長期不動產(chǎn)投資 long-term real estate in-vestments 1324 人壽保險現(xiàn)金解約價值 cash surrender value of life insurance 1328 其它長期投資 other long-term investments 1329 備抵長期投資跌價損失 allowance for excess of cost over market value of long-term investments 3、固定資產(chǎn) property , plant, and equipment 141 土地 land 1411 土地 land 1418 土地-重估增值 land - revaluation increments 142 土地改良物 land improvements 1421 土地改良物 land improvements 1428 土地改良物 -重估增值 land improvements - revaluation increments 1429 累積折舊 -土地改良物 accumulated depreciation - land improvements 143 房屋及建物 buildings 1431 房屋及建物 buildings 1438 房屋及建物 -重估增值 buildings -revaluation increments 1439 累積折舊 -房屋及建物 。
a/c, A/C account 帳戶、帳目 a/c, A/C account current 往來帳戶、活期存款帳戶 A&C addenda and corrigenda 補(bǔ)遺和勘誤 Acc. acceptance or accepted 承兌 Accrd.Int accrued interest 應(yīng)計(jì)利息 Acct. account 帳戶、帳目 Acct. accountant 會計(jì)師、會計(jì)員 Acct. accounting 會計(jì)、會計(jì)學(xué) Acct.No. account number 帳戶編號、帳號 Acct.Tit. account title 帳戶名稱、會計(jì)科目 ACN air consignment 航空托運(yùn)單 a/c no. account number 帳戶編號、帳號 Acpt. acceptance or accepted 承兌 A/CS Pay. accounts payable 應(yīng)付帳款 A/CS Rec. accounts receivable 應(yīng)收帳款 ACT advance corporation tax 預(yù)扣公司稅 ACU Asia Currency Unit 亞洲貨幣單位 A.C.V actual cash value 實(shí)際現(xiàn)金價值 a.d., a/d after date 開票后、出票后 ADRS asset depreciation range system 固定資產(chǎn)分組折舊法 Adv. advance 預(yù)付款 ad.val.,A/V ad valorem to (according value)從價 Agt. agent 代理人 Agt. agreement 協(xié)議、契約 AJE adjusting journal entries 調(diào)整分錄 Amt. amount 金額、總數(shù) Ann. annuity 年金 A/P account paid 已付賬款 A/P account payable 應(yīng)付帳款 A/P accounting period 會計(jì)期間 A/P advise and pay 付款通知 A/R account receivable 應(yīng)收帳款 A/R at the rate of 以……比例 a/r all risks (保險)全險 Arr. arrivals, arrived 到貨、到船 A/S, a/s after sight 見票即付 A/S,acc/s account sales 承銷帳、承銷清單,售貨清單 ass. assessment 估征、征稅 assimt. assignment 轉(zhuǎn)讓、讓與 ATC average total cost 平均總成本 ATM at the money 僅付成本錢 ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自動取款機(jī)(柜員機(jī)) ATS automated trade system 自動交易系統(tǒng) ATS automatic transfer service 自動轉(zhuǎn)移服務(wù) Attn. attention 注意 Atty. attorney 代理人 auct. auction 拍賣 Aud. auditor 審計(jì)員、審計(jì)師 Av. average 平均值 a.w. all wool 純羊毛 BA bank acceptance 銀行承兌匯票 bal. balance 余額、差額 banky. bankruptcy 破產(chǎn)、倒閉 Bat battery 電池 b.b. bearer bond 不記名債券 B.B., B/B bill book 出納簿 B/B bill bought 買入票據(jù)、買入?yún)R票 b&b bed & breakfast 住宿費(fèi)和早餐費(fèi) b.c. blind copy 密送的副本 BC buyer credit 買方信貸 B/C bills for collection 托收匯票 B.C. bank clearing 銀行清算 Bd. bond 債券 B/D bills discounted 已貼現(xiàn)票據(jù) B/D bank draft 銀行匯票 b.d.i. both dates inclusive, both days inclusive 包括頭尾兩天 B/E bill of entry 報關(guān)單 b.e., B/E bill of exchange 匯票 BEP breakeven point 保本點(diǎn)、盈虧臨界點(diǎn) b/f brought forward 承前 BF bonded factory 保稅工廠 Bfcy. Beneficiary 受益人 B/G, b/g bonded goods 保稅貨物 BHC Bank Holding Company 銀行控股公司 BIS Bank of International Settlements 國際清算銀行 . A. chartered accountant; chief accountant 特許會計(jì)師、主任(主管)會計(jì)師 C. A. commercial agent 商業(yè)代理、代理商 C. A. consumers' association 消費(fèi)者協(xié)會 C/A capital account 資本帳戶 C/A current account 往來帳 C/A current assets 流動資產(chǎn) C. A. D cash against documnet 交單付款 can. cancelled 注銷 cap. capital 資本 CAPM capital asset pricing model 固定資產(chǎn)計(jì)價模式 C. A. S. cost accounting standards 成本會計(jì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn) c. b., C. B. cash book 現(xiàn)金簿 CBD cash before delivery 先付款后交貨 C. C. cashier's check 銀行本票 C. C contra credit 貸方對銷 c/d carried down 過次頁、結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)下期。
代碼 名稱 1 資產(chǎn) assets 11~ 12 流動資產(chǎn) current assets 111 現(xiàn)金及約當(dāng)現(xiàn)金 cash and cash equivalents 1111 庫存現(xiàn)金 cash on hand 1112 零用金/周轉(zhuǎn)金 petty cash/revolving funds 1113 銀行存款 cash in banks 1116 在途現(xiàn)金 cash in transit 1117 約當(dāng)現(xiàn)金 cash equivalents 1118 其它現(xiàn)金及 約當(dāng)現(xiàn)金 other cash and cash equivalents 112 短期投資 short-term investment 1121 短期投資 -股票 short-term investments - stock 1122 短期投資 -短期票券 short-term investments - short-term notes and bills 1123 短期投資 -政府債券 short-term investments - government bonds 1124 短期投資 -受益憑證 short-term investments - beneficiary certificates 1125 短期投資 -公司債 short-term investments - corporate bonds 1128 短期投資 -其它 short-term investments - other 1129 備抵短期投資跌價損失 allowance for reduction of short-term investment to market 113 應(yīng)收票據(jù) notes receivable 1131 應(yīng)收票據(jù) notes receivable 1132 應(yīng)收票據(jù)貼現(xiàn) discounted notes receivable 1137 應(yīng)收票據(jù) -關(guān)系人 notes receivable - related parties 1138 其它應(yīng)收票據(jù) other notes receivable 1139 備抵呆帳 -應(yīng)收票據(jù) allowance for uncollec- tible accounts- notes receivable 114 應(yīng)收帳款 accounts receivable 1141 應(yīng)收帳款 accounts receivable 1142 應(yīng)收分期帳款 installment accounts receivable 1147 應(yīng)收帳款 -關(guān)系人 accounts receivable - related parties 1149 備抵呆帳 -應(yīng)收帳款 allowance for uncollec- tible accounts - accounts receivable 118 其它應(yīng)收款 other receivables 1181 應(yīng)收出售遠(yuǎn)匯款 forward exchange contract receivable 1182 應(yīng)收遠(yuǎn)匯款 -外幣 forward exchange contract receivable - foreign currencies 1183 買賣遠(yuǎn)匯折價 discount on forward ex-change contract 1184 應(yīng)收收益 earned revenue receivable 1185 應(yīng)收退稅款 income tax refund receivable 1187 其它應(yīng)收款 - 關(guān)系人 other receivables - related parties 1188 其它應(yīng)收款 - 其它 other receivables - other 1189 備抵呆帳 - 其它應(yīng)收款 allowance for uncollec- tible accounts - other receivables 121~122 存貨 inventories 1211 商品存貨 merchandise inventory 1212 寄銷商品 consigned goods 1213 在途商品 goods in transit 1219 備抵存貨跌價損失 allowance for reduction of inventory to market 1221 制成品 finished goods 1222 寄銷制成品 consigned finished goods 1223 副產(chǎn)品 by-products 1224 在制品 work in process 1225 委外加工 work in process - outsourced 1226 原料 raw materials 1227 物料 supplies 1228 在途原物料 materials and supplies in transit 1229 備抵存貨跌價損失 allowance for reduction of inventory to market 125 預(yù)付費(fèi)用 prepaid expenses 1251 預(yù)付薪資 prepaid payroll 1252 預(yù)付租金 prepaid rents 1253 預(yù)付保險費(fèi) prepaid insurance 1254 用品盤存 office supplies 1255 預(yù)付所得稅 prepaid income tax 1258 其它預(yù)付費(fèi)用 other prepaid expenses 126 預(yù)付款項(xiàng) prepayments 1261 預(yù)付貨款 prepayment for purchases 1268 其它預(yù)付款項(xiàng) other prepayments 128~129 其它流動資產(chǎn) other current assets 1281 進(jìn)項(xiàng)稅額 VAT paid ( or input tax) 1282 留抵稅額 excess VAT paid (or overpaid VAT) 1283 暫付款 temporary payments 1284 代付款 payment on behalf of others 1285 員工借支 advances to employees 1286 存出保證金 refundable deposits 1287 受限制存款 certificate of deposit-restricted 1291 遞延所得稅資產(chǎn) deferred income tax assets 1292 遞延兌換損失 deferred foreign exchange losses 1293 業(yè)主(股東)往來 owners(stockholders) current account 1294 同業(yè)往來 current account with others 1298 其它流動資產(chǎn)-其它 other current assets - other 13 基金及長期投資 funds and long-term investments 131 基金 funds 1311 償債基金 redemption fund (or sinking fund) 1312 改良及擴(kuò)充基金 fund for improvement and expansion 1313 意外損失準(zhǔn)備基金 contingency fund 1314 退休基金 pension fund 1318 其它基金 other funds 132 長期投資 long-term investments 1321 長期股權(quán)投資 long-term equity investments 1322 長期債券投資 long-term bond investments 1323 長期不動產(chǎn)投資 long-term real estate in-vestments 1324 人壽保險現(xiàn)金解約價值 cash surrender value of life insurance 1328 其它長期投資 other long-term investments 1329 備抵長期投資跌價損失 allowance for excess of cost over market value of long-term investments 14~ 15 固定資產(chǎn) property , plant, and equipment 141 土地 land 1411 土地 land 1418 土地-重估增值 land - revaluation increments 142 土地改良物 land improvements 1421 土地改良物 land improvements 1428 土地改良物 -重估增值 land improvements - revaluation increments 1429 累積折舊 -土地改良物 accumulated depreciation - land improvements 143 房屋及建物 buildings 1431 房屋及建物 buildings 1438 房屋及建物 -重估增值 buildings -revaluation increments 1439 累積折舊 -房。
lz你是想要會計(jì)科目么?一、企業(yè)財務(wù)會計(jì)報表封面 FINANCIAL REPORT COVER 報表所屬期間之期末時間點(diǎn) Period Ended 所屬月份 Reporting Period 報出日期 Submit Date 記賬本位幣幣種 Local Reporting Currency 審核人 Verifier 填表人 Preparer 二、資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表 Balance Sheet 資產(chǎn) Assets 流動資產(chǎn) Current Assets 貨幣資金 Bank and Cash 短期投資 Current Investment 一年內(nèi)到期委托貸款 Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 減:一年內(nèi)到期委托貸款減值準(zhǔn)備 Less: Impairment for Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 減:短期投資跌價準(zhǔn)備 Less: Impairment for current investment 短期投資凈額 Net bal of current investment 應(yīng)收票據(jù) Notes receivable 應(yīng)收股利 Dividend receivable 應(yīng)收利息 Interest receivable 應(yīng)收賬款 Account receivable 減:應(yīng)收賬款壞賬準(zhǔn)備 Less: Bad debt provision for Account receivable 應(yīng)收賬款凈額 Net bal of Account receivable 其他應(yīng)收款 Other receivable 減:其他應(yīng)收款壞賬準(zhǔn)備 Less: Bad debt provision for Other receivable 其他應(yīng)收款凈額 Net bal of Other receivable 預(yù)付賬款 Prepayment 應(yīng)收補(bǔ)貼款 Subsidy receivable 存貨 Inventory 減:存貨跌價準(zhǔn)備 Less: Provision for Inventory 存貨凈額 Net bal of Inventory 已完工尚未結(jié)算款 Amount due from customer for contract work 待攤費(fèi)用 Deferred Expense 一年內(nèi)到期的長期債權(quán)投資 Long-term debt investment due within one year 一年內(nèi)到期的應(yīng)收融資租賃款 Finance lease receivables due within one year 其他流動資產(chǎn) Other current assets 流動資產(chǎn)合計(jì) Total current assets 長期投資 Long-term investment 長期股權(quán)投資 Long-term equity investment 委托貸款 Entrusted loan receivable 長期債權(quán)投資 Long-term debt investment 長期投資合計(jì) Total for long-term investment 減:長期股權(quán)投資減值準(zhǔn)備 Less: Impairment for long-term equity investment 減:長期債權(quán)投資減值準(zhǔn)備 Less: Impairment for long-term debt investment 減:委托貸款減值準(zhǔn)備 Less: Provision for entrusted loan receivable 長期投資凈額 Net bal of long-term investment 其中:合并價差 Include: Goodwill (Negative goodwill) 固定資產(chǎn) Fixed assets 固定資產(chǎn)原值 Cost 減:累計(jì)折舊 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 固定資產(chǎn)凈值 Net bal 減:固定資產(chǎn)減值準(zhǔn)備 Less: Impairment for fixed assets 固定資產(chǎn)凈額 NBV of fixed assets 工程物資 Material holds for construction of fixed assets 在建工程 Construction in progress 減:在建工程減值準(zhǔn)備 Less: Impairment for construction in progress 在建工程凈額 Net bal of construction in progress 固定資產(chǎn)清理 Fixed assets to be disposed of 固定資產(chǎn)合計(jì) Total fixed assets 無形資產(chǎn)及其他資產(chǎn) Other assets & Intangible assets 無形資產(chǎn) Intangible assets 減:無形資產(chǎn)減值準(zhǔn)備 Less: Impairment for intangible assets 無形資產(chǎn)凈額 Net bal of intangible assets 長期待攤費(fèi)用 Long-term deferred expense 融資租賃——未擔(dān)保余值 Finance lease – Unguaranteed residual values 融資租賃——應(yīng)收融資租賃款 Finance lease – Receivables 其他長期資產(chǎn) Other non-current assets 無形及其他長期資產(chǎn)合計(jì) Total other assets & intangible assets 遞延稅項(xiàng) Deferred Tax 遞延稅款借項(xiàng) Deferred Tax assets 資產(chǎn)總計(jì) Total assets 負(fù)債及所有者(或股東)權(quán)益 Liability & Equity 流動負(fù)債 Current liability 短期借款 Short-term loans 應(yīng)付票據(jù) Notes payable 應(yīng)付賬款 Accounts payable 已結(jié)算尚未完工款 預(yù)收賬款 Advance from customers 應(yīng)付工資 Payroll payable 應(yīng)付福利費(fèi) Welfare payable 應(yīng)付股利 Dividend payable 應(yīng)交稅金 Taxes payable 其他應(yīng)交款 Other fees payable 其他應(yīng)付款 Other payable 預(yù)提費(fèi)用 Accrued Expense 預(yù)計(jì)負(fù)債 Provision 遞延收益 Deferred Revenue 一年內(nèi)到期的長期負(fù)債 Long-term liability due within one year 其他流動負(fù)債 Other current liability 流動負(fù)債合計(jì) Total current liability 長期負(fù)債 Long-term liability 長期借款 Long-term loans 應(yīng)付債券 Bonds payable 長期應(yīng)付款 Long-term payable 專項(xiàng)應(yīng)付款 Grants & Subsidies received 其他長期負(fù)債 Other long-term liability 長期負(fù)債合計(jì) Total long-term liability 遞延稅項(xiàng) Deferred Tax 遞延稅款貸項(xiàng) Deferred Tax liabilities 負(fù)債合計(jì) Total liability 少數(shù)股東權(quán)益 Minority interests 所有者權(quán)益(或股東權(quán)益) Owners' Equity 實(shí)收資本(或股本) Paid in capital 減;已歸還投資 Less: Capital redemption 實(shí)收資本(或股本)凈額 Net bal of Paid in capital 資本公積 Capital Reserves 盈余公積 Surplus Reserves 其中:法定公益金 Include: Statutory reserves 未確認(rèn)投資損失 Unrealised investment losses 未分配利潤 Retained profits after appropriation 其中:本年利潤 Include: Profits for the year 外幣報表折算差額 Translation reserve 所有者(或股東)權(quán)益合計(jì) Total Equity 負(fù)債及所有者(或股東)權(quán)益合計(jì) Total Liability & Equity 三、利潤及利潤分配表 Income statement and profit appropriation 一、。
accompanying document 附件 account 賬戶、科目 account payable 應(yīng)付賬款 account title / accounting item 會計(jì)科目 accounting document/ accounting voucument 會計(jì)憑證 accounting element 會計(jì)要素 accounting entity 會計(jì)主體 accounting entries 會計(jì)分錄 accounting equation / accounting identity 會計(jì)恒等式 accounting function 會計(jì)職能 accounting postulate 會計(jì)假設(shè) accounting principle 會計(jì)原則 accounting report /accounting statement 會計(jì)報表 accounting standard 會計(jì)準(zhǔn)則 accounting time period concept 會計(jì)分期 accounts receivable / receivables 應(yīng)收賬款 accrual- basis accounting 權(quán)責(zé)發(fā)生制原則 accumulated depreciation 累計(jì)折舊 amortization expense /expense not allocated 待攤費(fèi)用 annual statement 年報 Arthur Andersen Worldwide 安達(dá)信全球 assets 資產(chǎn) balance 余額 balance sheet 資產(chǎn)負(fù)債表 begainning balance/ opening balance 期初余額 capital 資本 capital expenditure 資本性支出 capital share 股本 capital surplus 資本公積 cash 現(xiàn)金 cash in bank 銀行存款 cash journal 現(xiàn)金日記賬 cash on hand 現(xiàn)金 cash system(basis)of accounting /cash-basis princi 收付實(shí)現(xiàn)制 certified practicing accountant 注冊會計(jì)師 comparability principle 可比性原則 compound journal entry 復(fù)合分錄 conservatism ( 保守 ) principle/the prudence ( 穩(wěn)健 ) prin 謹(jǐn)慎性原則 consistency principle 一貫性原則 contingent assets 或有資產(chǎn) contingent liabilities 或有負(fù)債 cost accounting 成本會計(jì) credit balance 貸方余額 credit side 貸方 current investment 短期投資 debit balance 借方余額 debit side 借方 deferred assets 遞延資產(chǎn) deferred liabilities 遞延負(fù)債 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu 德勤 depreciable life 折舊年限 depreciation expense 折舊費(fèi)用 depreciation rate 折舊率 descriptions 摘要 double entry 復(fù)式記賬 double-entry book-keeping 復(fù)式簿記 employee benefits payable 應(yīng)付福利費(fèi) ending balance 期末余額 Ernst & Young International 安永國際 estimateld scrap value 估計(jì)殘值 exchange gain 匯兌收益 exchange loss 匯兌損失 expenses/charges 費(fèi)用 factory overhead /manufacturing expense 制造費(fèi)用 financial accounting 財務(wù)會計(jì) financial expense 財務(wù)費(fèi)用 fiscal year/ accounting periods 會計(jì)年度 fixed assets 固定資產(chǎn) floating assets / current assets 流動資產(chǎn) floating liabilities / current liability 流動負(fù)債 general ledger 總分類賬 going-concern basis 持續(xù)經(jīng)營 goodwill 商譽(yù) historical cost 歷史成本 historical cost principle 歷史成本原則 : income statement /profit and loss statement 利潤表 損益表 income tax 所得稅 intangible assets 無形資產(chǎn) international accounting 國際會計(jì) KPMG International 畢馬威國際 liabilities 負(fù)債 liability dividend / dividend payable 應(yīng)付股利 long-term investment 長期投資 long-term liabilities 長期負(fù)債 management accounting 管理會計(jì) management expense 管理費(fèi)用 matching principle 配比原則 materiality principle 重要性原則 monthly statement 月報 negative goodwill 負(fù)商譽(yù) net assets 凈資產(chǎn) net cost 凈成本 net income 凈收益 net income apportionment 利潤分配 net proceeds 凈收入 net profit 凈利潤 non-operating gain 營業(yè)外收入 non-operating loss 營業(yè)外支出 notes payable 應(yīng)付票據(jù) notes receivable/ receivables 應(yīng)收票據(jù) objectivity (reliability) principle 客觀性原則 obligee/ creditor 債權(quán)人 Obligor/ invester 債務(wù)人 operating expense 營業(yè)費(fèi)用 operating revenue 營業(yè)收入 owner ' s equity 所有者權(quán)益 period expense 期間費(fèi)用 perpetual inventory system 永續(xù)盤存制 personal property 動產(chǎn) physical inventory system 實(shí)地盤存制 posting document 記賬憑證 prepayments / payment in advance 預(yù)付款項(xiàng) Price Water House Coopers 普華永道 product cost / output cost 生產(chǎn)成本 product / finished goods 產(chǎn)成品 profit 利潤 profit after tax 稅后利潤 profit before tax 稅前利潤 purchase 購貨 purchase return and allowances 購貨退回與折讓 quarterly statement 季報 raw materials 原材料 real estate 不動產(chǎn) relevance principle 相關(guān)性原則 reserve for bad debts / bad debts expense /provisi 壞帳準(zhǔn)備 residual(salvage)value 折余價值 ( 殘值 ) retains earning 留存收益 revenue expenditure 收益性支出 revenues 收入 sales allowances 銷貨折讓 sales discount 銷貨折扣 sales invoice 銷貨發(fā)票 sales on account 賒銷 sales return 銷售退回 sales revenue 銷售收入 selling cost 銷售成本 selling expense 銷售費(fèi)用 simple ournal entry 簡單分錄 source document 原始憑證 stable-monetary concept 貨幣計(jì)量 starting-load cost / organization costs 開辦費(fèi) statement of cash flow/ cash flow statement 現(xiàn)金流量表 stock on hand / inventory 存貨 stub 存根 subsidiary accounts 明細(xì)賬戶 。
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