You can not change the life length, but you can change its width
Struggle comparing upward. Happy compare downward
Let youth glitter in struggling
Life can not fade , the multiple spot color can't accommodate oneself to wonderful just now best , alive
Actually it is just in an idea when feel oneself can achieve and cannot achieve.――覺得自己做得到和做不到,往往只在一念之間。
If something is not worth fighting for, then it is not worth keeping.――如果一件事情不值得你去為之奮斗,那么它也不值得你堅持。
Give everything a shot. You never know what (or who) is going to change your life.――任何事情都應(yīng)該去嘗試一下,因為你無法知道,什么樣的事或者什么樣的人將會改變你的一生。
You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction.――如果晚上帶著滿意入睡,早上就會更有決心起床!
It's not the ability that comes in! It's the passion that counts.――有時能力不是最重要的,最重要的是要有激情。
Be confident with yourself and stop worrying what other people think. Do what's best for your future happiness! ——對自己要自信,別再管其它人怎么想了。為了未來幸福全力以赴吧!
1. 最重要的是,你們要把我今天告訴你們的傳遞下去,讓下一代可以堅持奮斗,直到勝利。
And above all, pass on this message of mine to those who come after you, so that future generations shall carry on the struggle until it is victorious.2. 我特別欽佩那些不經(jīng)意就提到自己幼年遭遇家庭破產(chǎn)然后他們再默默努力堅持奮斗的人。I particularly admire those who inadvertently referred to his youth encounter family bankruptcy then they quietly to adhere to the struggle of the people.3. 當(dāng)對手瞅見我們一個失誤、又一個失誤、然后又一個失誤時,他們就嗅到了機會的味道,所以他們會堅持奮斗,直到最后。
When the opponent sees one mistake, and another mistake, and another mistake, they smell the chance and they keep going until the end. 4. 正是這些區(qū)別開我們,讓我們成為人類,最終我們還必須堅持奮斗到底。This is what separates us, what makes us human, and in the end, we must fight to hold on to.5. 俱樂部一直很欣賞我們在冠軍聯(lián)賽中堅持奮斗并進(jìn)入決賽的精神。
The club have appreciated that we have fought right to the end of the championship and got to the Champions League final. 6. 我們要牢記兩次世界大戰(zhàn)的慘痛教訓(xùn),為維護(hù)世界的和平與安全而堅持奮斗。Only by developing a new security concept and establishing a fair and reasonable new international order can world peace and security be fundamentally guaranteed.7. 因此,讓我們堅信:成功源自我們內(nèi)心充滿夢想,以及為了實現(xiàn)夢想不斷學(xué)習(xí)、努力、堅持、奮斗的決心。
So, we firmly believe that success stems from our dreams. In order to realize this dream, we must keep studying and working hard persistently, struggling determination. 8. 積極的人知道只要堅持和奮斗,一切皆有可能,所以他們選擇書寫自己的現(xiàn)實。Positive people know that anything is possible withconsistencyand hustle, so they choose to write their own reality.9. 孤獨不僅僅是一種狀態(tài),它更蘊涵有堅強、堅持、奮斗的力量!Alone is not only a state, but for strength, insist and a power of struggle! 10. 學(xué)術(shù)的獨立和思想的自由是其畢生所堅持的奮斗目標(biāo);歷史文化的辨析與闡發(fā)為其終生的努力方向.The academic independence and thought freedom is the goal he persists during lifetime and he has devoted himself to the historical culture discrimination。
11. 他不屈不撓地堅持他的奮斗目標(biāo)——教育改革。He sticks stubbornly to his goal of education reform.12. 成功沒有快車道,幸福沒有高速路。
所有的成功,都來自不倦的努力和奔跑;所有幸福,都來自平凡的奮斗和堅持。No fast track success and happiness is not the success of all high-speed road, all from the tireless efforts; all happiness, all from the extraordinary struggle and perseverance! 13. 企業(yè)家應(yīng)該始終如一地堅持自己的奮斗目標(biāo)。
Entrepreneurs should act consistently with their motivations.14. 如果你找到了奮斗的方向,并且能夠堅持不懈地奮斗10年,那么世界上將會多一個天才!If you find the direction of the struggle and strive unremittingly to 10 years, then the world will be more than a genius! 15. 只要始終堅持合作、奮斗的信念,保持決心不動搖,我們必將迎來深圳的輝煌發(fā)展、書寫深圳的歷史新篇章。As long as we stay true to the core values of cooperation, hard-work and determination, we will be welcoming glorious developments taking place and witnessing a new chap。
短篇勵志經(jīng)典英文詩歌篇1 ON CHANGES Irene Dunlap Change is the only absolute in the world, the only thing that you can depend on. Nothing stays the same. Tomorrow will come, bringing with it new beginnings and sometimes unexpected endings. You can hold on to the past and get left in the dust; or, you can choose to jump on the ride of life and live a new adventure with perseverance and an open mind. 論變化 艾琳·鄧萊普陳采霞譯 變化是世界上 惟一絕對的東西, 是惟一 你能相信的事情。
沒有什么能一成不變, 明天將來臨, 它會帶來 新的開始,并且有時 還會帶來意想不到的結(jié)局。 你可以抓住過去, 蒙受遺棄; 或者,你可以選擇 躍上生命之車 進(jìn)行一次新的冒險, 憑借堅持不懈 和廣闊的胸懷。
短篇勵志經(jīng)典英文詩歌篇2 THE VALUE OF TIME Katharine Sun To realize the value of one year: Ask a student who has failed a final exam. To realize the value of one month: Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby. To realize the value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize the value of one hour: Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. To realize the value of one minute: Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane. To realize the value of one second: Ask a person who has survived an accident. To realaize the value of one millisecond: Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics. Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have. 時間的價值 凱瑟琳·桑陳采霞譯 要想知道一年的價值, 那就去問期末考試不及格的學(xué)生。 要想知道一個月的價值, 那就去問生了早產(chǎn)兒的母親。
要想知道一周的價值, 那就去問周報的編輯。 要想知道一小時的價值, 那就去問等待見面的戀人。
要想知道一分鐘的價值, 那就去問誤了火車、汽車或者飛機的人。 要想知道一秒鐘的價值, 那就去問大難不死的人。
要想知道一毫秒的價值, 那就去問奧運會獲得銀牌的人。 時間不等人, 你擁有的每一刻都要珍惜。
短篇勵志經(jīng)典英文詩歌篇3 RESULTS AND ROSES Edgar Albert Guest The man who wants a garden fair, Or small or very big, With flowers growing here and there, Must bend his back and dig. The things are mighty few on earth, That wishes can attain, Whatever we want of any worth, We ve got to work to gain. It matters not what goal you seek, Its secret here reposes: You ve got to dig from week to week, To get results or roses. 碩果和玫瑰 埃德加·阿爾貝特·格斯特陳采霞譯 要想有個美麗花園, 面積大小姑且不管, 只要園中長滿鮮花, 就必須把汗水揮灑。 有愿望就能實現(xiàn), 這樣的事還真是少見,只要想要的東西有價值, 就得靠努力去創(chuàng)造。
目標(biāo)是什么并不重要, 秘訣終歸只有一條: 周復(fù)一周不怕勞累, 才能收獲碩果或者玫瑰。
第一篇 A Grain of Sand 一粒沙子 William Blake/威廉.布萊克 To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild fllower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. 從一粒沙子看到一個世界, 從一朵野花看到一個天堂, 把握在你手心里的就是無限, 永恒也就消融于一個時辰。
第二篇: Love Your Life 熱愛生活 Henry David Thoreau/享利.大衛(wèi).梭羅 However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.It is not so bad as you are.It looks poorest when you are richest.The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.Love your life,poor as it is.You may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-house.The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a palace.The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any.May be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.Most think that they are above being supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means.which should be more disreputable.Cultivate poverty like a garden herb,like sage.Do not trouble yourself much to get new things,whether clothes or friends,Turn the old,return to them.Things do not change;we change.Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. 不論你的生活如何卑賤,你要面對它生活,不要躲避它,更別用惡言咒罵它。它不像你那樣壞。
你的衣服可以賣掉,但要保留你的思想。 第三篇 這些美好不會消逝 The pure.the bright,the beautiful, 一切純潔的,輝煌的,美麗的, That stirred our hearts in youth, 強烈地震撼著我們年輕的心靈的, The impulses to wordless prayer, 推動著我們做無言的禱告的, The dreams of love and truth; 讓我們夢想著愛與真理的; The longing after something's lost, 在失去后為之感到珍惜的, The spirit's yearning cry, 使靈魂深切地呼喊著的, The striving after better hopes- 為了更美好的夢想而奮斗著的- These things can never die. 這些美好不會消逝。
The timid hand stretched forth to aid 羞怯地伸出援助的手, A brother in his need, 在你的弟兄需要的時候, A kindly word in grief's dark hour 傷慟、困難的時候,一句親切的話 That proves a friend indeed ; 就足以證明朋友的真心; The plea for mercy softly breathed, 輕聲地乞求憐憫, When justice threatens nigh, 在審判臨近的時候, The sorrow of a contrite heart- 懊悔的心有一種傷感-- These things shall never die. 這些美好不會消逝。 Let nothing pass for every hand 在人間傳遞溫情 Must find some work to do ; 盡你所能地去做; Lose not a chance to waken love- 別錯失去了喚醒愛的良機----- Be firm,and just ,and true; 為人要堅定,正直,忠誠; So shall a light that cannot fade 因此上方照耀著你的那道光芒 Beam on thee from on high. 就不會消失。
And angel voices say to thee---你將聽到天使的聲音在說----- These things shall never die. 這些美好不會消逝。第四篇 Think it over。
Today we have higher buildings and wider highways,but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view; 今天我們擁有了更高層的樓宇以及更寬闊的公路,但是我們的性情卻更為急躁,眼光也更加狹隘; We spend more,but enjoy less; 我們消耗的更多,享受到的卻更少; We have bigger houses,but smaller famillies; 我們的住房更大了,但我們的家庭卻更小了; We have more compromises,but less time; 我們妥協(xié)更多,時間更少; We have more knowledge,but less judgment; 我們擁有了更多的知識,可判斷力卻更差了; We have more medicines,but less health; 我們有了更多的藥品,但健康狀況卻更不如意; We have multiplied out possessions,but reduced out values; 我們擁有的財富倍增,但其價值卻減少了; We talk much,we love only a little,。
believe in yourself 相信你自己 you can do it你可以的 persistance can make success.堅持就是勝利 everything is possible 一切皆有可能 l am the best 我是最棒的 nothing can beat me 任何的事情不能將我打倒 nothing can trouble me 任何的事情不能困擾我 nothing can stop me 任何的事情不能阻止我 Pain past is pleasure.無論多么艱難一定要咬牙沖過去,將來回憶起來一定甜蜜無比 2. While there is life, there is hope.生命與希望隨行 4. Storms make trees take deeper roots.(風(fēng)暴使樹木深深扎根。)
[感激敵人,感激挫折!] 5. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.(心之所愿,無所不成。)[堅持一個簡單的信念就一定會成功。
] 6. The shortest answer is doing.(最簡單的回答就是干。) 7. All things are difficult before they are easy.(凡事必先難后易。)
[放棄投機取巧的幻想。] 8. Great hopes make great man. (偉大的理想造就偉大的人。)
9. God helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者。) 10. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.(四個簡短的詞匯概括了成功的秘訣:多一點點?。比別人多一點努力、多一點自律、多一點決心、多一點反省、多一點學(xué)習(xí)、多一點實踐、多一點瘋狂,多一點點就能創(chuàng)造奇跡!] 聲明:部分摘自李陽瘋狂英語 People are not afraid of defeat, I am afraid crush 人是不怕打敗的,只怕打垮?!?/p>
Life is not to in order to be defeated, can be destroyed, but can not be defeated人生來就不是為了被打敗的,人能夠被毀滅,但是不能夠被打敗。 The strongest people arenot always people who win ,but the people who donot give up when they lose. 最強的人并不一定都是成功的人,卻一定是在他們失去之時不放棄的人 部分摘自《老人與?!?。
pain past is pleasure. 過去的痛苦就是快樂。
The first step is as good as half over. 第一步是最關(guān)鍵的一步。
Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without! 寧靜來自內(nèi)心,勿向外尋求!
don't give up and don't give in. 不要放棄,不要言??!
Great minds have purpose, others have wishes. 杰出的人有著目標(biāo),其他人只有愿望。
While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不滅。
Do one thing at a time, and do well. 一次只做一件事,做到最好!
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 千里之行,始于足下。
1All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用。
People not only have hunger and thirst in the stomach and intestines, but also need to feed their minds, so there is "chicken soup of the soul". The chicken soup of the soul can protect the mind, it is a kind of thing that helps the soul. 人不只胃腸有饑渴感,心靈也要給養(yǎng),于是就有了“心靈雞湯”。心靈雞湯可以護(hù)養(yǎng)心靈,是一種對心靈有幫助的東西。
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