A country of eastern Asia at the southern end of the Korean peninsula. Part of the ancient country of Korea, it has been divided from North Korea since the end of the Korean War (1950-1953). Seoul is the capital and the largest city. Population, 39,951,000.。
詳細察看 A。
面粉類 面粉/中筋面粉 Plain flour /all-purpose flour 低筋面粉/低根粉 cake flour / soft flour / weak flour / low protein flour 高筋面粉/筋面/根面/高根粉 gluten flour / strong flour / bread flour / baker's flour / high protein flour 小麥面粉 Whole meal flour 全?面粉 whole wheat flour 澄面粉/澄粉/澄面 non-glutinous flour / wheat flour / wheat starch 自發(fā)面粉 self- raising flour 粗玉米豆粉 polenta / yellow cornmeal 粟粉/粟米粉/玉米粉/玉米?輾?太白粉?) corn flour / cornstarch 生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉 potato starch / potato flour ?涫矸郟臼矸郟姆郟夥郟?郟追郟毓戲? Tapioca starch / tapioca flour 蕃薯粉/地瓜粉 sweet potato flour 臭粉/胺粉/阿摩尼??粉/嗅粉 powdered baking ammonia / carbonate of ammonia / ammonia bicarbonate / ammonia carbonate / hartshorn 發(fā)粉/泡打粉/泡大粉/速發(fā)粉/蛋糕發(fā)粉 baking powder 蘇打粉/小蘇打/梳打粉/小梳打/食粉/重曹 baking soda / bicarb ofsoda 塔塔粉/他他粉 cream of tartar 卡士達粉/蛋黃粉/吉士粉/吉?r粉/ custard powder 卡士達/克林姆/奶皇餡/蛋奶餡 custard / pastry cream 蛋白粉 egg white powder 粘米粉/黏米粉/在?礱追郟諶R米粉/再?礱追? rice flour 糕仔粉 cooked rice flour 糯米粉 glutinous rice flour / sweet rice flour 鳳片粉/熟糯米粉/糕粉/加工糕粉 fried sweet rice flour / fried glutinous rice flour 綠豆粉 mung bean flour / tepung hun kwee ???胚芽/?芽粉 wheat germ ???蛋白/面筋粉 wheat gluten 酵母/酒? yeast/ibu roti 面包糠/面包屑 breadcrumbs 雜糧預(yù)拌粉 multi-grain flour B。 糖類 黑蔗糖?{/糖蜜/甘蔗糖蜜 molasses 金黃糖?{ golden syrup ?魈?{/??涮?{/?魈? maple syrup 玉米糖?{ corn syrup/karo syrup 葡萄糖?{ glucose syrup ?芽糖?{ barley maltsyrup/maltsyrup ?芽糖 maltose/malt sugar 焦糖 carmael 果糖 fructos 乳糖 lactose 轉(zhuǎn)化糖 invert sugar 日式糙米糖?{ amazake 綿花糖霜 marshmallow cream cream 冰糖 rock sugar 椰糖/爪哇紅糖 palm sugar/gula malacca 黃砂糖 brown sugar 紅糖/黑糖 dark brown sugar 粗糖/黑砂糖 muscovado sugar 金砂糖 demerara sugar 原蔗糖 raw sugar/raw cane sugar/unrefined cane sugar 白砂糖/粗砂糖 white sugar/refined sugar/refined cane sugar/coarse granulated sugar ?砂糖/幼砂糖/ 幼糖 castor sugar / caster sugar(適用于做糕點) 糖份混合物 icing sugar mixture 糖粉 icing sugar/confectioners' sugar 糖霜/點綴霜 icing/frosting 蜜葉糖/甜葉菊 stevia/honey leaf 代糖/阿斯巴甜 aspartame/sweetener/sugar substitute 什色糖珠 巧克力米/朱古力米 chocolate vermicelli 巧克力削/朱古力削 chocolate curls 巧克力珠/朱古力珠 choc bits/chocolate chips 耐烤巧克力豆 choc bits (澳洲的英文名) / chocolate chips (美?⒓幽么蟮撓⑽拿? C。
抹荼粉 green tea powder 馬蹄粉 water chestnut flour 葛粉 arrowroot flour 杏仁粉 almond flour/almond mieal 海苔粉 ground seaweed ?齜郟剎? grass jelly 椰絲/椰茸/椰子粉 desiccated coconut/shredded coconut 果子?觶?齜郟?ㄠ? jelly 魚膠粉/吉利丁/明膠 gelatine sheets/powdered gelatine 大菜/大菜絲/菜燕/燕菜精/洋菜/洋菜粉/?脂 agar powder 白礬 alum 硼砂 borax 石膏 gypsum 堿水/(木?)水/ 碳酸鉀 alkaline water/lye water/potassium carbonate 食用色素 food colouring 香草豆/香草莢/香草片/香子蘭莢 vanilla bean/vanilla pod 香草精/?尼拉香精/凡尼拉香精 vanilla extract/vanilla essence 香草粉 vanilla powder 班蘭粉/香蘭粉 ground pandan/ground screwpine leaves/serbok daun pandan 班蘭精/香蘭精 pandan paste/pasta pandan 玫瑰露/玫瑰露精 rosewater/rosewater essence essence 皮屑 grated zest/grated rind D。 牛油/奶油 butter ?化牛油 soft butter ?珈琳/?琪琳/乳?琳/雅?琳/人造奶油/菜油 margarine 起酥油/起酥?琪琳 pastry margarine / oleo margarine 豬油/白油/大油/板油 lard / cooking fat 酥油/雪白奶油 shortening 硬化椰子油 copha 椰油 Creamed Coconut 烤油 dripping 牛油忌廉 butter cream 淡忌廉 light cream/coffee cream/table cream 鮮奶油/忌廉/鮮忌廉 cream/whipping cream 包括﹕1 light whipping cream 2 heavy whipping cream/heavy cream/thickened cream 3 double cream/pure cream 酸奶油/酸忌廉/酸奶酪/酸乳酪 sour cream 酸奶 butter milk 牛奶/鮮奶/鮮乳 milk 奶粉 powdered milk / milk powder 花奶/淡奶/奶水/蒸發(fā)奶/蒸發(fā)奶水 evaporated milk ??奶 condensedmilk/sweetened condensed milk 起士/起司/芝士/乳酪/奶酪/乾酪/乳? cheese 起司粉 powdered cheese 奶油起司/芝士忌廉/奶油乳酪/凝脂乳酪 cream cheese ?斯卡波尼起司/馬司卡膨起司/馬斯卡波涅起司/義大利乳酪 mascarpone cheese ??格/乳果/酸奶/酸乳酪 yoghurt ??酪乳 yoghurt drink/drinking yoghurt E。
面包/面? bread 土司面包/吐司 toast 法式吐司 french toast 裸?面包 rye bread 派/批 pie 塔/?? tart ?讎桑?讎? cream pie 蛋塔 egg tart / custard tart 法式蛋塔 quiche lorraine 戚風(fēng)蛋糕 chiffon cake 海綿蛋糕 。
炸醬面的制作方法: Cooking method: 1。
The frying pan burns heat , oil fever of having a temperature till eighty per cent , puts in onion powder , blows up out scent, put pork Ding inside again stir-frying before stewing stir-frying a moment , add salted and fermented soya paste , Shaoxing wine stir-fry before stewing stir-fry , stir-fry the pork is extremely familiar , stir-fry a moment , add gourmet powder after flesh adds white sugar , clear soup when parting from sauce for, continue a little , again, have strained benne oil be to be accomplished; 2。 Use boiled water boiler to cook noodles , to hold after noodles is cooked to enter big soup bowl inner , add fried bean sauce be OK。
1. 炒(stir-frying),是指鍋內(nèi)放油、油燒熟,下生料炒熟?!叭欢吹啊挠⒄Z卻是scrambled egg,不譯fried egg。”
2. 煎(pan-frying),即在鍋內(nèi)放上少量的油,待油達到一定溫度后將菜料放入鍋內(nèi)進行短時間的烹煮,如煎雞蛋(pan-fried egg)。
3. 爆(quick-frying),是旺火熱油,原料下鍋后快速操作。要求刀工處理粗細一致,烹前備好調(diào)味品,動作要麻利迅速。如爆大蝦(quick-fried shrimps)。
4. 炸(deep-frying), 將主料掛糊或不掛糊下熱油鍋,由生炸熟的方法,外焦里嫩。如五香炸雞翅(deep-fried chicken wing with spicy flavour)。如再細分,還可分為干炸(dry deep-frying),軟炸(soft deep-frying)和酥炸(crisp deep-frying)。
5. 燒(braising),是先將主料用油炸過或用火焯過,再加上輔料,兌入湯汁煨至熟爛的方法。“用醬油來燒,叫紅燒——braising with soy sauce,”[4](P34)或braising in brown sauce。
6. 煮(boiling),指在鍋里放入水或有調(diào)料的沸湯,將鍋放在慢火上燒,再放入菜肴,時間可長可短,由事物的品種和食者口味而定。“煮還可分速煮(instant boiling),北方的涮羊肉instant boiled mutton,廣東的‘打邊爐’chafing dish也屬此類,和快煮(quick boiling)?!?/p>
7. 蒸(steaming),是將生料或半熟原料,加調(diào)料調(diào)味后上籠屜蒸熟的方法。如荷葉粉蒸肉(steamed flour-coated pork wrapped in lotus leaves)。
8. 煲/燉/煨/燜/鹵(simmering/stewing),這五種烹調(diào)方法基本相同,都是將食物放在水、湯或汁之中,用文火慢慢加熱,用火時間一般較長,如燉栗子雞(stewed chicken with chestnuts),煨牛肉(simmered beef)?!霸谒徐沂莝tewing in water,將食物放在水中煲,如廣東肇慶的‘劍花豬肉湯’譯為stewed port soup with crab cactus flowers。隔水燉是stewing out of water,用于燉補品?;磋綗跎~是stewed snakehead fish with Chinese yam and fruits of Chinese wolfberry。倘若放進味汁里煮,那就是‘鹵’-—stewing in gravy 了?!?/p>
9. 熏(smoking),通常是將宰殺后的禽肉野味,用調(diào)料香料調(diào)制后,用特殊的樹木柴禾熏烤而熟,這種菜肴往往具有獨特風(fēng)味。如熏山雞(smoked pheasant)。
10. “烘烤鐵燒:鐵燒(broiling或grilling)是將食物放在鐵板或鐵架上用明火烤。燒烤(roasting)是在火上,火前或在鐵架上燒。烘(baking)指將食物放在密閉的烘爐里或鐵板或鐵架上用明火烤,食物與火不直接接觸。澆油燒(basting)是指在食物燒烤過程中不時澆淋調(diào)味油,以防烤焦。要知道這些烹調(diào)方法的味道,不妨嘗一嘗奶油燒魚柳(grilled fish with butter sauce),鐵燒牛扒(grilled beefsteak),燒乳豬(roast suckling pig)?!?/p>
11. 白灼(scalding或blanshing),將食物放在沸水中燙熟,然后取出再放佐料或用熱鍋炒。此法主要用于新鮮海味,如白灼海螺片(scalded sliced conch)
冷菜類 cold dish
冷菜 cold dish
涼菜 cold dish
冷盤 cold dish
拼盤 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers
涼拼盤 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers
冷拼盤 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers
什錦小吃 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres; assorted appetizers
叉燒肉 roast pork fillet
白肉 plain boiled pork
醬肉 braised pork with soy sauce; spiced pork
醬豬肉 braised pork with soy sauce; spiced pork
醬肘子 braised pork shoulder with soy sauce; spiced pork shoulder
醬豬肘 braised pork leg with soy sauce; spiced pork leg
Egg tomato fight Lumian
Fry the egg first. Then put oil, put chopped green onion and ginger, Stir flavor, put fried tomatoes, you can put a little sauce, just a little soy sauce to taste, then salt, chicken stock, add water, boil and let boil with the eggs, then you can out of pot was. Drainage with a separate pot, cook noodles. Noodles cooked, remove and put a bowl (half a bowl of noodles), add the noodles to a bowl win in the brine can eat. Halogen more delicious. Put the time to eat hot pepper sauce and vinegar.
Diced meat noodles
Ingredients: pork haunch of meat 300 grams, 250 grams of miso, noodles;
Accessories: garlic, green bean sprouts, cucumber wire;
Seasoning: oil, salt, sugar, chicken, scallions, beer;
1, the pork cut into small bean size, miso dilute with beer, garlic cut into the end;
2, take pot into the water for the noodles cooked ignition Drain methodology;
3, take pot ignition into oil, oil heat stir Pork Ding, a little color into tuned miso, stir again, add sugar, chicken flavor into suitable salt, when all the water vapor evaporates, add scallions leaves the pot and pour it into a bowl of noodles with garlic can be cast into the green.
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