Chinese Valentine’s Day
織女星的英文為:The star Vega
天鷹座的英文為:constellation of Aquila
VALENTINE”S Day in China,the seventh day of the seventh lunar month,falls on August 7 this year.
That is,on Thursday evening,Niu Lang and Zhi Nu will meet on a bridge of magpies(鵲橋)across the Milky Way(銀河).Chinese grannies will remind children that they would not be able to see any magpies on that evening because all the magpies have left to form a bridge in the heavens with their wings.
用英語(yǔ)祝福別人七夕快樂可以這樣說:Happy Night of Sevens!七夕節(jié)快樂!
對(duì)女孩子可以這樣問候:Happy Festival to Plead for Skills!乞巧節(jié)快樂!
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