it will fly way up the sky
不鳴則已楚莊王 King Chuang of the Chu Kingdom或 King Zhuang of Chu
朝廷 Court
文武百官 civilian and military officers
右司馬 Right Marshal (an official post)
楚國 the Kingdom of Chu
不飛則已,一飛沖天 Once a bird start to fly,一鳴驚人 Once the bird starts to sing
Warring States Period, the Qin king soldiers continued strong offensive neighbors, occupied many places. 其它六國都很害怕,想方設法去對付它。
The other six countries are afraid of and find ways to deal with it. 當時有一個人,叫蘇秦,他提出“合縱”抗秦,意思是六國聯(lián)合起來共同抗秦。At that time, a man named Qin Su, his "balancing" Kangqin, meaning six Kangqin joint together. 因為六國位置是縱貫南北,南北為縱,所以稱為“合縱”。
Because the six countries are located between north, south, north and south of things, it called "balancing." 蘇秦是洛陽人。Xi'an Jiaotong University, who is in Luoyang. 洛陽是當時周天子的都城。
Luoyang was the capital of the Zhou Emperor. 他很想有所作為,曾求見周天子,卻沒有引見之路,一氣之下,變賣了家產(chǎn)到別的國家找出路去了。He wanted to do something, had to ask for a meeting with Chou emperor, but not the road to her, then angrily. sold to other countries to find a way out to the family. 但是他東奔西跑了好幾年,也沒做成官。
But his troubles for a number of years, officials did not create. 后來錢用光了,衣服也穿破了,只好回家。Later, all the money, also broke through the clothes, had to return home. 家里人看到他趿拉著草鞋,挑副破擔子,一付狼狽樣。
Tala Fuquan with the family saw him pick Deputy breaking burden of paying headgear kind. 他父母狠狠地罵了他一頓;他妻子坐在織機上織帛,連看也沒看他一眼;他求嫂子給他做飯吃,嫂子不理他扭身走開了。He severely scolded by his parents to pay; His wife sat on the organization silk loom even Kanyemeikan his eye; He and his wife had to cook food, ignoring his wife trunk and walked away. 蘇秦受了很大刺激,決心爭一口氣。
Su Qin under great stimulus to bid a sigh of relief. 從此以后,他發(fā)憤讀書,鉆研兵法,天天到深夜。From then on, he resolved to delve into Art every day to night. 有時候讀書讀到半夜,又累又困 ,他就用錐子扎自己的大腿, 雖然很疼,但精神卻來了,他就接著讀下去。
Sometimes reading read midnight, the storm Then, he would stabber down his thighs, while 13 prisoners injured, but the spirit has come. He then read on. 傳說,他晚上念書的時候還把頭發(fā)用帶子系起來拴到房梁上,一打瞌睡,頭向下栽,揪得頭皮疼,他就清醒過來了。Legend has it that when a student at his hair also tying a belt up to amputation, I dozed off, the head tilted downward and crashed. have a thorough scalp pain, he would wake up the. 這就是后來人們說的“頭懸梁,錐刺股”,用來表示讀書刻苦的精神。
Later, people say this is the "head of the thigh, cone beam," said study hard for the spirit. 就這樣用了一年多的功夫,他的知識比以前豐富多了。Spent more than a year on such efforts, more abundant than before his knowledge. 公元前334年開始,他到六國去游說,宣傳“合縱”的主張,結(jié)果他成功了。
334 BC, he began to lobby the six countries to promote "balancing", and he succeeded. 第二年,六國諸侯訂立了合縱的聯(lián)盟。The following year, the six countries made balancing the mighty Union. 蘇秦掛了六國的相印,成了顯赫的人物。
Su Qin linked to the phase of the six countries and India became prominent figures. 這消息傳到了蘇秦的家鄉(xiāng),他的父母兄嫂都后悔以前對蘇秦的態(tài)度不好。This news spread to the home of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, the parents of former sister-in-law regret the poor. 聽說蘇秦要去趙國經(jīng)過洛陽,全家人特地趕到洛陽城外30里的地方,把路掃得干干凈凈,準備了豐盛的酒宴,跪著迎接他。
Su Qin Zhao told to go after Luoyang, about 30 km outside the city of Luoyang rushed to the family's special place, sweeping away roads, prepared a rich wine, stay kneeling to greet him. 蘇秦看到這情景,前后對比,百感交集。Su Qin see this scene before and after comparison with mixed feelings. 可是“合縱”很快就被蘇秦的同學張儀的“連橫”策略破壞了,蘇秦也被刺客刺死,“合縱”宣告徹底破產(chǎn)了。
But "balancing" the Xi'an Jiaotong University students will soon be perceived "lining up" strategy destroyed, Xi'an Jiaotong University, was stabbed to death Assassins, "balancing" declared a bankrupt. 來源:中國僑網(wǎng)Source : China's overseas network。
楚莊王 King Chuang of the Chu Kingdom或 King Zhuang of Chu朝廷 Court文武百官 civilian and military officers右司馬 Right Marshal (an official post)楚國 the Kingdom of Chu不飛則已,一飛沖天 Once a bird start to fly, it will fly way up the sky不鳴則已,一鳴驚人 Once the bird starts to sing, it will astonish the world。
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