Different people give different defines to happiness. From the dictionary, we can know that happiness is to feel or express pleasure, contentment, satisfaction,etc.When we are very busy or earn money crazily,we gradually forget what the happiness is. We don't understand what the true feeling of happiness is. Maybe you say that I have money so that I am a happy man. Maybe you say that I have friends so that I am a happy man. Maybe you say that I get a good mark today so that I am a happy man. Maybe you say that I get a high salary so that I am a happy man. Many things can make you happy. But the happiness last very short. IF you get happiness, you can share it to others. Even if you are not happy now, you can also recall the happy feeling. Living on this world, it is not easy to feel true happiness.
我常常也在想幸福到底是什么?而今天,我知道了幸福是什么了. 在運動會場上,激烈的比賽正進行著.此時,我正在800米比賽的起跑線上.我心里擔(dān)心著,我熬的過4圈的煎熬嗎?”砰”熟悉的槍聲響起,我?guī)е活w擔(dān)心的心---身體會出狀況嗎? ”加油!加油!”一陣陣加油聲響起,我憑著意志終于熬到終點線了!幸好,我除腿腳無力,累之外沒有其他的疼痛.我高興的接過水,走回休息處.一位同學(xué)過來扶我了.呀,我的眼前怎么什么也看不見?。磕_也無力起來.我疲憊了,坐了下來,我身體實在難受極了.我手用力抓住同學(xué)的手,”抓吧!沒關(guān)系,希望能好點.”同學(xué)說到.但,我想忍住難受的手,在同學(xué)手上抓出紅道道來了.但是她,卻絲毫沒有表現(xiàn)出來一絲不快.原來朋友是這么。
..”這句句關(guān)心的話語又和幸福緊緊聯(lián)系在一起,回蕩在我耳邊. 難受更加”攻擊”我.同學(xué)們臉上的擔(dān)心更是著急了.”我要回家。”我終于吐出小聲的話.”我們扶你回去吧.”同學(xué)們異口同聲.她們扶我,慢慢挪移了.我實在走不了了.雙腳無力.同學(xué)們似乎看出來了.”走不動吧,用車載你.”說著便把我扶上車.同學(xué)奮力的踩著車,想早點到家,減輕我的難受.我靠著背,臉上流出幸福的淚花.她們并不是丟下幾句話了事.她們行動了.那一字一句,一舉一動都是幸福的影子. 要上樓了.她們二話沒說,一左一右扶我上樓.她們都汗留夾背,汗水濕透了衣服.兩張小臉透出對我的關(guān)心.她們把我扶到奶奶身邊,我躺在床上,沒等等我說聲”謝謝”,她們已悄悄的關(guān)上門,走了.那么辛苦把我送回家,一口水沒喝就走了.悄悄的走了。
這是多么幸福的事??!在你需要關(guān)心,幫助的時候,受到朋友.同學(xué)的關(guān)心幫助,難道不幸福嗎?等同學(xué).朋友使你受到溫暖,感受到友愛的快樂,難道不幸福嗎? 其實幸福并不遙遠,你用心傾聽它向你走來的腳步聲。
聽,它來了! 讓我們?nèi)肀魈斓男腋0桑?聽,它來了。
Happiness is anything, the different person has the different answer. Each people want happiness, but was not all people feels happiness. I thought that happy is in the life one kind of feeling, one kind of feeling of satisfaction. For example: When by good result through test, I will feel happiness. weekend can have a long lazy sleep, I will also think happiness. When my actions teacher are understood by schoolmate accepts the support, the happy heart will fill the whole body. The academic society feels the life attentively, happy can arrive at side naturally you. happy pays the joy, on the life path overcomes the setback one by one, turns head looked passes through the road, looks that the difficulty which crosses, the happy heart is arisen spontaneously one by one. the happiness is the academic society satisfies.幸福是什么,不同的人有不同的答案。每個人都想要幸福,但不是所有人都感覺到了幸福。我認為幸福是生活中的一種感受,一種滿足感。例如:以較好的成績通過考試時,我會感覺幸福。
The problem of search for happiness had worried not one generation. How to make a person happy is the main problem and puzzle for philosophers. The deal is that there is no measure of happiness that would answer to the standards of all people. It's a very subjective concept that has different interpretation when asked to different people.The subjective nature of a man is the main reason of subjectivism of happiness. But still when people answer on the question what makes them happy most of them mention nearly the same things: success, self-realization and love. The main measure of happiness is the state of spiritual stability and safety, when a person feels perfection and pleasure form self-realization in professional and personal life. One will say that happiness is when “everyone understands you” other will say when somebody loves you and you love him back, it's mutual trust, mutual sympathy and mutual love. Everyone from those asked about this question will be right as they are talking about human virtues and universal values that are given to a man from birth and are inalienable.There is a tendency in society to relate personal happiness to the destiny, but in fact from year to year more and more people are getting convinced that personal happiness mostly depends upon the self-participation in life and self-realization, as a person is the master of his destiny and is a “creator” of his happy life. Here it's appropriate to add a famous saying, “if you want to be happy go ahead”.But as a human lives in the society his personal life is united by strong ties with the life of society as well. Happiness cannot be achieved if an individual is isolated from the rest of people, because there will always be a part of the soul that would feel unsatisfaction, and there can be no happiness without satisfaction from life. From this perspective happiness can be achieved only in social harmony and only when social order takes place. The respect to the country, to the parents and elder people make the essential common values for the society and they make the person harmonic and happy, as they regulate his relations with society. It was stated long a go by Socrates, a Greek philosopher who was accused in provoking social unrest and executed.He didn't escape from death but took it voluntarily and died being a happy man, he explained his behavior in the following way:“People should never break the established laws, as these actions doubt their justice and core function.The person has to respect the country of his birth the same way as he has to respect his parents, as the country provides all essential supplies for his social and cultural development, so the country has to be respected even moreAs there is a contract between a country's government and society, and a person who decides to stay in the country has to “sign” this contract, otherwise he'd better leave the country. In the case he breaks county's laws the government keeps the right to have him punished” (according to Walden, The Last Days of Socrates)But at the same time personal happiness cannot be achieved only through pleasures and satisfaction of personal needs. A good example that explains the pointless of such argument is the novel Brave New World where everyone is involved in getting pleasures from casual sex and taking drugs. Happiness is something more than that, it's a high spiritual feeling that differentiates a person from another living creatures and the seek of happiness and better life is a guarantee of social and moral progress of an individual and society in general.。
Myviewsabouthappiness What'?.AsfarasI'mconcerned,happinessmeanshealth,alovedjob,parents'goodhealth,. Idon'twanttobeamillioner,.thereasonisIdon'twanttobemoney'sslave.Idon'. ,.
OK,. ..Intheafternoon,.BecauseIamagoodgirl,Iamhelpfulathome.OnSundaymorning,.Intheafternoon,...Ithink,.,too.Then,,that'sfun.Intheevening,....Afterdinner,..
Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some people believe that if they have lots of money, they will be happy. They believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. On the other hand, some people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness. In this way, you have not onlymoney, but also many other things which can't be bought by money.
However, other people believe that having lots of money is not happiness nor is holding a high position in the government. These people value their beliefs, or their intelligence, or their health. They think these can make them happy.
For me, happiness is closely tied to my studies, my work and my family. When I made great progress in my studies, when I made contributions to the society through my work, when all the members in my family live in harmony, sharing good and sad times, I was happy. Although the definition of happiness depends on each individual my "wealth" of happiness is in my studies, my work, and my family
什么是幸福?What Is Happiness?
People always confuse about the meaning of happiness, they don't know how to define it. Some people think that when one has the successful career or does something that makes contribution to the society is the happiness. It is common that great acts are admired by the public and people are easy to feel the happiness. While in my opinion, happiness is very easy to achieve. When I stay with my family, we have the nice talk and I feel very happy. When I eat the delicious food that is cooked by my mother, I feel moved and happy. Happiness is around everywhere, we can feel it if we treat it right.
幸福,是偎依在媽媽溫暖懷抱里的溫馨;Happiness, is nestled in the mother's arms warm warm;幸福,是依靠在戀人寬闊肩膀上的甜蜜;Happiness is the sweet on the broad shoulders of a lover;幸福,是撫摸兒女細嫩皮膚的慈愛;Happiness is tender caress skin lovingkindness;幸福,是注視父母滄桑面龐的敬意。
Happiness, is the vicissitudes of the parents at the face of respect.幸福是什么?What is happiness?幸福是一個謎,你讓一千個人來回答,就會有一千種答案。Happiness is a mystery, you let one thousand people to answer, there will be one thousand answers.有人說過:“真正的幸福是不能描寫的,它只能體會,體會越深就越難以描寫,因為真正的幸福不是一些事實的匯集,而是一種狀態(tài)的持續(xù)。”
幸福不是給別人看的,與別人怎樣說無關(guān),重要的是自己心中充滿快樂的陽光,也就是說,幸福掌握在自己手中,而不是在別人眼中幸福是一種感覺,這種感覺應(yīng)該是愉快的,使人心情舒暢,甜蜜快樂的。Someone said: "true happiness can not be described, it can only be realized, the deeper experience more difficult to describe. Because a collection of true happiness is not some facts, but a state of sustained." Happiness is not for others to see, and what others said has nothing to do, important is his heart filled with happy sunshine, that is to say, happiness lies in their own hands, not in the eyes of others happiness is a feeling, this feeling should be happy, make people feel happy and sweet happy.幸福就是當(dāng)我看不到你時,可以這么安慰自己:能這樣靜靜想你,就已經(jīng)很好了。
幸福就是我無時無刻不系著你,即使你不在我身邊。Happiness is when I can not see you, so can comfort yourself: can you, like this, is good. Happiness is that I don't wear to you all the time, even if you are not around me.幸福就是每當(dāng)我想起你時,春天的感覺便洋溢在空氣里相思本是無憑語~~~~~~Happiness is when I think of you, the feeling of spring in the air are full of Acacia this is not their language.幸福:就是不管外面的風(fēng)浪多大,你都會知道,家里,總有一杯熱騰騰的咖啡等著你Happiness is: no matter how much outside of the storm, you will know, home, always have a cup of hot Coffee waiting for you幸福就是當(dāng)相愛的人都變老的時候,還相看兩不厭。
幸福就是可以一直都在一起,合起來的日子是一生一世,從人間到天堂……Happiness is when people in love are getting old, also with two tire. Happiness is can always be together, the day of the whole life, from heaven to heaven。
Happiness has so many different means for our so many people.Everybldy has his own idea.
For example,my favorite dog Bibi,my pet.Haha,I think his happiness is eating stone everyday,haha..But for my friend Bulish,happiness means getting the high place of society.OK,it is his favorite,it is his freedom.
Now I want to say somthing of my opinion.My happiness is my family.I have a very warm family.My father and mother all love me very much,staying with them together ,and this is my happiness.
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